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Walwayne Court

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Walwayne Court School aims to provide a happy, caring and secure environment in which all children feel valued, respected and enjoy learning and have every possible opportunity to develop their full potential.  We believe that through experiencing success, children will be helped to develop a positive attitude to themselves, learning and others. All children will have access to a broadly based, balanced curriculum, including extra-curricular activities as well as full access to the National Curriculum. We aim to raise the attainment of children with SEN by providing appropriate support compatible with the efficient education of other children. We will work closely with parents/carers recognising they have a vital role to play in their child’s education.


For further information on provision for SEND children please click on the documents below.  Our SENCO can also be contacted by email:


The Wiltshire Local Offer provides information and guidance on services for children and young people, aged 0-25, with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). Click on the logo to access their website contains information about education, health, social care, preparing for adulthood and leisure.