We all thoroughly enjoy attending events at school such as the Christmas and Summer Fairs but without FOWCS these events could note take place. We can never have too many members so if you are creative, sociable and willing to give up a small amount of your time we would love to hear from you. Also if you have any skills that could help us organise, promote or run events please get in contact.
You can get in touch with us via our Facebook page (see link below), via email or post a note in the red post box in Reception at school.
Latest Newsletter & Correspondence
Click on the icon below to read the latest FOWCS newsletter and correspondence regarding events:
FOWCS NewsletterPhoto disclaimer
Find us on Facebook
Friends of Walwayne Court School can be found on Facebook by clicking here.
Forthcoming Events
Watch this space!
FOWCS Gallery
Below are some images of events we have run over the years. We run a uniform shop all year and can be contacted via the FOWCS Facebook page. All our events will be listed in advance on the Facebook page.