Parent Support
My name is Maggie Williams. I am the Parent Support Advisor at Walwayne Court.
Being a parent is one of the most joyous, rewarding jobs we have, but sometimes events in life can make being a parent difficult and stressful. My role is 'Early Help', supportive and non-judgemental, with your child at the forefront of everything I do.
I work alongside a variety of outside agencies that I make referrals or signpost to. I support families in a wide range of situations including positive parenting, financial difficulties and debt, domestic abuse, bereavement, counselling and housing, and the support is needs led.
Life is ever changing, and can be unpredictable which can cause us to struggle with parenthood at any given time. As a school, we understand children are more likely to achieve their full potential when life at home is running smoothly. I do not have a magic wand, but I will always listen, and do my best to advise and support. If you need help with parenting for whatever reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.
My working hours are: 3.30 – 5.30 on a Tuesday and Thursday.
To make an appointment please call the school office on 01225 776886 during the above hours, or email me at
Useful links and information
Wiltshire Parent Carer Council
Family Hub Wiltshire