greenery greenery

Walwayne Court



music front page information 2024 25.pdf


Music Long Term PlanMusic Progression GridMusic 3iii statement

Music highlights

Singing at Romney House

Our fantastic choir walked to Romney House care home for their annual Christmas sing along. The residents loved the songs and enjoyed singing along and it even reduced a few to tears! Thank you to Mrs Rowe for supporting the Choir and teaching them all of the songs.

Christmas Performances

The whole school have worked really hard on their Christmas performances. The Reception children put on their very first nativity at school, The Year 1 and 2 children learned lots of songs to teach us all about Christmas traditions, and KS2 put on a fantastic performance in Holy Trinity Church. Well done to all the singers and instrumentalists that took part. 

Voices for life

Our Year 5 children took part in the Voices for Life performances at the Wiltshire Music Centre, signing songs that they had been learning in school alongside representatives from other Wiltshire schools. They had a great time!

Music for Miniatures show

The children were treated to a performance of 'MUSICIAN!' from Music for Miniatures. They learned all about the rivalry between woodwind and brass instruments and stretched their musical knowledge from 16th century Baroque to modern jazz.