Hedgehogs (Years 3 and 4)
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Mrs Allen - Class Teacher |
Mrs Turze - Class Teacher |
Mrs Oates - HLTA |
Miss Ridout - Class Teaching Assistant |
Our learning in Hedgehogs
- We have been exploring food chains in Science.
- In Phonics, we have been learning about the different spellings of the /oo/ sound, as in 'book', 'could' and 'pull'. We have been sorting words according to their sound, and learning the meaning of words by using them in a sentence.
- We have been exploring patterns in Art, using different media to create our own artwork.
- We enjoyed our second session of gymnastics in PE with Active Trowbridge. We loved being able to use the climbing equipment and practiced lots of different gymnastic skills.
- We have kick started our new Spanish learning by learning the names of some different fruits, and how to say whether we like or dislike them.
- We enjoyed a great Christmassy samba session!
- We have been learning about coding in Computing. We had to create code to solve a series of challenges on Purple Mash, some of which were quite tricky!
- We have been exploring magnets as part of our work in Science. We have been learning the words 'attract' and 'repel' and making predictions and testing different magnets to find out how they behave.
- We have been learning about the names of different animals in Spanish.
- In English, we are learning about non-chronological reports. We focused on the importance of paragraphs and worked in teams to read sentences and organise them into cohesive paragraphs to describe the Seasons in England.
- In Design and Technology wehave been learning about pneumatic systems and have designed our own toy that uses a pneumatic system to power it.
- The Year 3's have started a new unit in Maths working on addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers. We used dienes to build numbers with hundreds, tens and ones and then combined them to find the total.
- We have been practicing drawing with charcoal in the style of cave paintings.
- We have been continuing to enjoy our Samba sessions on a Thursday afternoon, exploring different instruments and practicing keeping in time with the beat.
- We have been learning how to greet people in Spanish, by saying 'Hola' and 'Buenos dias'. We can also ask how someone is (Como estas?) and know how to answer the question to say whether we are good, bad or ok.
- We have been learning about Hinduism in our RE sessions. We learned the story of Rama and Sita and thought about what the story means and what it teaches Hindus about how to live their life. We then made puppets to help retell the story.
- We have been practicing our skipping skills as part of our daily physical activity. Some of us have been working on learning to skip with a skipping rope independently, others have been working as a team to use the large skipping rope, while some of us have been honing our already fantastic skipping skills!