greenery greenery

Walwayne Court

Eagle Owls (Years 1 and 2)

Miss Kelson -

Class Teacher

Mrs Thorpe -

Class Teaching Assistant

Mrs Tozer - 

Class Teaching Assistant

Mrs Nuttall - 

Class Teaching Assistant

 Our learning in Eagle Owls

We have been recapping the different spellings of the /i/ sound as well as practising our high frequency words. We have been amazing at reading and writing our new words.

We have been learning about Christianity in RE. We have learned where Christians worship and what their holy book is called. Then we created a class poster to share our knowledge.

We have been learning about expressive painting in Art. We looked at the work of Charlie French and created a double page spread to show what we had found out. Some children even had a go at recreating some of his artwork!

The Phase 1 classes celebrated Bonfire Night and Diwali with a special day of activities. Each class learnt about the festival of Diwali and the history of Bonfire Night and why we celebrate it. What a super day of celebrations! In Eagle Owls we worked with Miss Kelson to make firework pictures.

We have been busy writing our diaries about the Great Fire of London in English. We have thought carefully about all of the facts we have learned and how we would have been feeling if we were there. 

We had an exciting visit from Samuel Pepys this week! We learnt lots about what happened during the Great Fire of London, did some role play and singing and got to ask some of our own questions. 

We have been learning the skill of wax resist art, drawing an item with wax before covering it with autumnal watercolours. 

In History, we have been learning about how life differed for the rich and poor during the Great Fire of London. We did some roleplay to show what we had found out. 

In Science, we are learning about everyday materials and have been exploring the objects in the classroom, thinking about what they are made from and why that material was chosen. 

We found lots of mysterious items of clothing around school and had to work out who the mysterious visitor was. We found out that they belonged to the Smartest Giant In Town! We have been learning the story in our English lessons.